Birthdays & Anniversaries
MARCH 2022
2th - Mark Jason
3th - Feba Jason
5th - Edith
8th - Lilly K
9th - Achsah B
11th - Fatima G
12th - Ryan Dcosta
12th - Nirav Shah
14th - Soccour G
17th - Poornima A
18th - Alverna
18th - Sonali Ghosh
20th - Gopal S
20th - Lata J
21th - John V
21th - Skye C
26th - Nancy Mathew
26th - Amit K
27th - Milton
27th - Sarah Eapen
28th - Delphin
28th - Chitra
29th - Deepika
30th - Shirisha
31th - Sunita Alvares
1th - Guru & Jyostna
6th - Ryan & Jennifer
7th - Ajit & Remy
8th - Dharmesh & Gen
12th - Suresh & Prachi
27th -Vinu & Julie
The explanations and information provided herein are only general and high-level explanations, information and samples. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in the creation of your Terms.